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Rajasthan Hospital and Gastroenterology Research Centre

(5 out of 5 based on 1 Ratings)
 Rajasthan Hospital and Gastroenterology Research Centre


Rajasthan Hospital and Gastroenterology Research Centre is one of the apex hospitals in jaipur and is no.1 Gastroenterology hospital you can find in jaipur. The hospital has made a name for itself as far as speciality in Gastroenterology is concerned. The hospital has a excellent team of experienced doctors who are practicing since many decades and even the staff apart from doctors are thorough professionals and supportive. 
Category : Gastroenterologist
City : Jaipur


Lalkothi Shopping Centre, 
Tonk Road, 
Jaipur - 302015

Rajasthan Hospital and Gastroenterology Research Centre Facilities

Pathology Laboratory
Pathology Laboratory
X Ray
X Ray
Waiting Room
Waiting Room

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sir my sitster is ill for last five year. she is fine in every winter but summer is start, she have a pain in stomach, sometime have loose motion and feel not good , vomitting lot off. i checked her lot off doctor but no relief. Now i want to permanet treatment. please tell me in your Hospital have all facility means endoscopy and other andvance check up.if all facility is avaiable ,please tell me, i will free on 22 march and i will come to jaipur. shree ram sharma from jhunjhunu(raj).
Posted By : shreeram sharma on 03-03-2013
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