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Sankalp Netralaya

(1 out of 5 based on 1 Ratings)
Sankalp Netralaya

Sankalp Netralaya is an eye specialist hospital and it is located at Bhopal city. All type of Vitreo retinal surgery are being performed. The hospital is provided with operating rooms that are exclusively used for surgeries with sufficient size to accommodate required equipment and personnel. Their team will offer you the highest level of comfort & after care that your Eyes deserve.

Category : Eye
City : Bhopal

109, Zone II, M P Nagar,
Bhopal - 462011,
Madhya Pradesh, India.

Landmark : Near Navoday

Contact No. 0755-2769238, 0755-4271355

Contact Person : Dr. R K Jain

Mobile No. +919827028203, +919827270482, +919425375312


Sankalp Netralaya Facilities


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