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Khairabad Eye Hospital

(3 out of 5 based on 4 Ratings)
Khairabad Eye Hospital

Khairabad Eye Hospital was established in the year 1976 and it is located at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. The hospital is a registered chariatable organization it is registered under Societies Registration Act and under Foreign Contribution Regulation ACT (FCRA) from the Ministry of Home Affairs. The hospital is equipped with the equipments and machines of latest technology several of these are not even available in the vicinity of Kanpur medical centers. It also combines assistance to patients with teaching to medical students and nurses and often linked to medical schools, nursing schools and universities.

Category : Eye
City : Kanpur

Swaroop Nagar,
Kanpur - 208002,
Uttar Pradesh, India.

Contact No. 0512-2549430

Mobile No. +919415174742, +919336118273, +919450939492

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Khairabad Eye Hospital Facilities

Pathology Laboratory
Pathology Laboratory
X Ray
X Ray
Waiting Room
Waiting Room

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