Commodity Trading and Distribution Companies in India
(3 out of 5 based on 2 Ratings)
Given below are the list of best Commodity Trading and Distribution Companies in India. There is no dearth in terms of Commodity Trading and Distribution Companies in India. The commodity and derivatives in the country is at the inroads of growth and change that is both exciting and emerging. The Commodity and trading and distribution sector deals with varied sector and makes use of different distribution models and in Logistic, power, infrastructure as well as mining, FMCG and Highly valued commodities. These Companies deal essentially with the trading and make use of distribution channel. Below is a compilation of Commodity Trading and Distribution Companies in India. To serve you best in terms of your browsing each company included in the list is complete with Company details. This includes a concise description along with information about the company’s incorporation, address and contact details, Present Managerial team and Job opportunities or placement if any that have been made by the company.
"Adani House"
Nr. Mithakhali Six Road,,Navrangpura
Ahmedabad - 380009
Belview 7, Haudin Road,
Bangalore - 560 042-
Tel: 080 25596045, 25596073,
Fax: 080 25594601, 25597085
23, Nehru Place,
New Delhi - 110019
Tel: 011-40600800
Fax: 011-
Block No.3 2nd Floor,
Mumbai - 400025
Tel: 022-30409100
Fax: 022-30409120 022-30409121
Shankar Towers,
West Godavari Dist.
Andhra Pradesh
Tel: 08812-231179 08812-230216
Fax: 08812-233876
Narayan Chambers,,Ashram road
Tel: 079-6581329 6581330
Fax: 079-6579169
Sirpur House, Plot No. 39
Sector 44,
Gurgaon - 122009
5th Floor, Bhagwati Complex,
Jain Merchant Society,
Ahmedabad - 380007
Tel: 079-25714184
Fax: 079-91-79-6634620
Arvind Mills Premises
Naroda Road,
Ahmedabad - 380025
Tel: 079-22203030
Fax: 079-22200206
"Sikkim Commerce House",
5th Floor, 4/1, Middleton Street
Kolkata - 700071
West Bengal
Tel: 033-22877334 033-22879320
Fax: 033-22803101