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Cinemax Multiplex Subhash Nagar

(2 out of 5 based on 25 Ratings)
Cinemax Multiplex Subhash Nagar

Cinemax Multiplex of Subhash Nagar is located in Pacific Mall. The cinema is a multiplex that offers total value for money. The cinema has its price range from 120 - 450. Tickets can be booked from the hall or on online. The cinema offers major credit cards. The cinema is fully air conditioned. It has comfortable seats that can be easily adjusted and have enough leg room. The cinema has its screen made by world's best screen manufacturing company. The screens have high resolution and the sound system is fantastic. The cinema has air conditioned lobby for its patrons that are equipped with LCD screens that play trailers of upcoming movies. The multiplex has cafeteria that serves food and beverages to its patrons. The cinema also has a food court. It provides parking facilities. Tickets can also be booked online 

New Delhi
Pacific Mall, 3, Tagore Garden, Subhash Nagar Delhi - 110027

Cinemax Multiplex Subhash Nagar Facilities


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