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Lifestyle Victoria Road

(5 out of 5 based on 1 Ratings)
 Lifestyle Victoria Road

This mall is a two-story store shopping mall which is situated on the Victoria Road. It provides a good parking facility to the shoppers and visitors. This is a new shopping mall in Bangalore and has already won the hearts of the citizens and has become very popular. It sells items like electronic gadgets, books, cloth materials, sweets, cosmetics, furniture etc. This place is considered to be the complete family destination because it has something for everyone. The choice of apparel from Van Heusen, Forever New, Esprit and many other premium brands will keep the fashion-conscious very happy indeed. This place is like a haven for the shopping addicted people and is seen jam-packed on the weekends and holidays.

Contact Details


21, ARR Arcade, 
3rd Cross, 
Victoria Layout, 
Victoria Road, 
Bangalore- 560047.

Lifestyle Victoria Road Facilities

Filtered Drinking Water
Filtered Drinking Water
Covered Parking
Covered Parking

Lifestyle Victoria Road Brands

Forever New
Forever New
Van Heusen
Van Heusen
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