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Suraj Water Park

Suraj Water Park

(4 out of 5 based on 5 Ratings)


Suraj Water Park is one of the most visited and favourite destination in Thane. The park has acheived many awards like Five time’s winner in Limca Book of Records and winner of National & International awards. It has Asia’s largest cave exclusively made of fiberglass and you can also see the unique Caved dustbins, Stair and Bridges on rivers. It is one of the best water park to spend time with family and friends.



Ghodbunder Highway, Thane (W) – 400 601, India.
Tel : - 022 - 2597 4747
Fax :- 022 – 2597 4742
e-mail :-



All days open from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm


Entry Fees

Rs. 350 for Adults and Rs. 250 for children

Children below height 3'3'' get free entry.



The water park has built multiple facilities for the visitors which includes different Changing rooms for male & female, Shower Room, Costume Shop and Locker Counters. The park has a first aid centre, toilets, wash rooms and aqua guard drinking water coolers.


Main Attractions

The park has many major attractions like Crazy river which gives you feel of an actual river. The next is the lazy river where you can relax and float in the river with rubber float. There are many slides Ulat Palat, Rainbow Slides and the most adventurous of all is Labak, Zabak and Matak slide.  For small children there is a slide called Nanha Tal, kids enjoyed it alot.


How to Reach

The park is situated at a distance of 15 km from Borivali and 7km from Thane Station on Ghodbunder Road. From Borivali Station you can hire a taxi or take a bus.



Suraj Water Park
Suraj Water Park Rain Dance
Suraj Water Park Ride
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