Survey: IIT B Students study at the last minuteInvariably there are questions in your mind while you read this headline. Considering that some of the brightest applicants of the Joint Entrance Exam are placed in the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. But a recent survey conducted by the institute shows that IIT B students study at the last minute. A survey published in the students newsletter “Inside” released on Sunday stated that as many as 50 % of the applicants did not study unless faced with the prospect of an imminent examination. Less than 20% said that they studied for less than three hours a day while close to 75 % of the applicants said they did not do any academic work throughout the entire day if there was no project work allotted. Only a meager 15 % said that they studied irrespective of any exams or deadline. However of those 550 students who took part in the poll 70 % said that engineering was their preferred stream of study. The article also states some of the reasons why students were not studying. Firstly the involvement in extracurricular activities stands as one main reason that prevented students from studying, secondly other distractions like internet social networking and movies. However one point that certainly is an eye opener for the institution is the reason of poor hotel infrastructure that is not conducive for study. The article of the survey concluded, “Come the mid semester and end semester the campus has more than usual amount of caffeine that and it gets its act together in a couple of mind numbing weeks. It is a matter of huge concern.”
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Date :
16 January 2013
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