Modi’s address at Wharton school cancelledGujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi’s keynote address at the Indian Economic Forum which was scheduled later this month has been cancelled. The event organizers, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania said that they stood by their decision owing to adverse reaction from stakeholders following this decision. In an official statement issued the institute said, “Our team felt that potential polarizing reaction from sub sections of the alumini and students would put Narendra Modi in a comprising position, which we look to avoid at all costs.”The organizers also stated that their goal was aimed at stimulating viable dialogue on India’s growth.
Narendra Modi had been approached by the student’s body of Wharton School to deliver a key note address through video conferencing on March 22-23. This decision triggered sharp reaction from group of professors who addressed their outrage at Narendra Modi been invited as a speaker. The letter addressed to the school management with 175 signatories stated that the US department had rejected a Diplomatic visa to the Gujarat Chief Minister who did nothing to stop a series of riots against the Muslim community in 2002.
The Wharton Management was on serious pressure not only from staff but also from sections of students and alumini. However there were an equal number of pro Modi supporters who wanted him to speak at the event and share his views about his political past and his economic vision for the future. Another strong point for Modi’s selection to speak at the event was his contribution to the progress of Gujarat as a state.
In the official letter the management also expressed their apology and wished that there would be a more appropriate forum for the Chief Minister to interact with students with no distractions and of any kind.
The Wharton India Economic Forum is annual student’s event hosted by the Wharton School. The speakers for the event are selected by the University’s student body. Just last month, Modi faced criticism for delivering a keynote speech at Delhi’s Sri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC). While the three time Gujarat CM addressed the students another group protested outside the hall stating that the Gujarat Communal riots have been overlooked while making the decision. The police were called in to take control of the protestors.
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Date :
04 March 2013
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