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Gen Y just love their smart phones

Gen Y just love their smart phones

In a report submitted by Cisco, majority of youngsters check their cell phones first before getting out of bed.  

According to the 2012 Cisco World Technology report (CWTR), 90% of youngsters worldwide checked their smart phones for email updates, text messages and social networking site updates. 1800 college students and young professional from the age group of 18 to 31 from 18 countries participated in this survey. The survey not only examined the use of internet and mobile device to connect to the world but also how the need to stay connected was an important facet of their lives from work to shopping, friendship to family. 9 of the 10 recipients worldwide stated that they dressed, brushed and then wanted to check their smart phones as part of their daily morning ritual. In India, 96 percent of the participants of the survey stated that they checked their smart phones as part of their daily routine. 

More than one fourth that is 29 percent of individuals stated that they checked their phones so frequently that they have almost lost count of the number of times. Globally one in five individuals check their smart phone for updates every 10 minutes. One third of the recipients stated that they check their cell phones at every 30 minute interval. Globally almost 60 percent of the recipients stated that they consciously or subconsciously checked their phones for emails and social updates. Out of this number 85 % constituted females while 63 % males. 40% of the recipients said that they felt anxious if they didn’t check their phone. In India, 70 per cent of respondents compulsively check their smart phones for updates. Of those, 42 per cent said they would feel anxious if they couldn’t check their smart phones and 71 per cent wish they didn’t feel so compelled, but they like to stay connected, the survey said.
Category : Technology
Date : 14 December 2012
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