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Pramerica Mutual Fund

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Pramerica Mutual Fund

Pramerica Mutual Fund is managed by Pramerica Asset Managers Private Limited. The company is one the leading financial groups of the world with assets worth $ 693 billion (USD) under its management. The mutual fund has shown positive trends even during economic slowdown and has given more than the expected returns. The mutual fund is also growing at a tremendous pace and has been increasing its client base consistently.
        The company is also looking to increase its area coverage and come up with new centers.

Address :

Nirlon House, 2nd Floor,
Dr.Annie Besant Road,
Worli, Mumbai - 400 030
Phone: 022-61593000


Mututal Funds

Pramerica Equity Fund
Pramerica Dynamic Fund
Pramerica Liquid Growth Fund
Pramerica Dynamic Bond Growth Fund
Pramerica Ultra Short Term Bond Growth Fund
Pramerica Short Term Income Growth Fund
Pramerica Treasury Advantage Growth Fund
Pramerica Credit Opportunities Growth Fund
Pramerica Short Term Floating Rate Growth Fund
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