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Three Blyind Mice

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Three Blyind Mice


Three Blyind Mice, located at Colaba Causeway in Mumbai, is an art gallery that attracts a large number of audiences and organizes art exhibitions. It also open shows in public galleries to private shows for select clientele. The gallery provides art lovers and patrons alike with an opportunity to see promising works in different genres. The clients of the organization include collectors, corporate houses, CEOs, businessmen and bankers. Three Blyind Mice has also designed and sourced the art collection for Centurion Bank and Barclays Bank. In addition, it promotes artists by giving them a platform to display their works at various venues like President Hotel - Cuffe Parade, Shalimar Hotel, and Kemps Corner and at Inox multiplex, Nariman Point and such other locations. These prominent locations provide excellent opportunity for the artists to reach the art lovers. It remains open on all days for visitors from 11 AM to 7 PM.


33, Ruki Mahal, Colaba Causeway, 
Near Kailash Parbat, 
Mumbai - 400 005
Tel:+(91)-(22)9892234116, 9820082687

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