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Sakshi Gallery

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Sakshi Gallery

Sakshi art gallery is located at Colaba and it has one of the finest collections of modern and contemporary art. The gallery is a venue for experimental theatre. People will see different exhibitions on each floor. The gallery houses paintings of Nandlal Bose and Ara, to oils by Raza, Souza, Kakar, Manjit Bawa, Anita Dube and Anadajit Ray. It is closed on public holiday and on Sundays and rest of the days the timings is 10am to 6pm. With a large collection from different artists and state of the gallery, keen and true art lovers must visit this place a must. The gallery has participated in several fairs including Frieze, Arco, Hong Kong Art Fair, Art Dubai and India Art Summit.


Tanna House, 11-A, 
Nathalal Parekh Marg Colaba
Mumbai - 400 001
Tel: +(91)-(22) 6610 3424 , 
Fax:+(91)-(22) 6610 6867

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