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Point of View Art Gallery

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Point of View Art Gallery


Point of View Art Gallery, is a gallery for contemporary art situated at Wodehouse Road in the Colaba district of Mumbai. Since its inception in early 2007, the gallery has played hosts to artists young and senior, upcoming and established. In a relatively young career the gallery has become renowned for its warmth and the undeterred support it provides to talented artists lacking only in opportunity. Till date the gallery has had more than twenty exhibitions, the first being “Of Pallets and Chisels” a show by artists hailing from Bengal which included amongst others Paritosh Sen, Bijon Chowdhury and Jogen Chowdhury. Some of the other early shows were, “India Inspires” a group show of eight senior women artists, “Icons of Future” by four upcoming artists from Mumbai, “Whispers of the Nile” a solo show by Dr. Rashid Diab from Sudan, “Southwards” a group show of 18 eminent artists from south India, “Dialog – Beyong and Within” a group show by artists from Bangladesh, and video installations by Vishwanath Math. This all factors make this a worth visiting place to visit for those who are true art lovers. This art gallery is opened from 10am to 6pm from Monday to Saturday and is closed on Sundays and public holidays. 


63/65, Woodhouse road Colaba
Tel: 22186151

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