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Nehru Museum

(4 out of 5 based on 2 Ratings)
Nehru Museum

Nehru museum is located at Worli in Mumbai and comes in the top ten museums of Mumbai. It is a must visit place for the history lovers and school and college children. This is a very fascinating place to visit and provides great excitement and general knowledge. The discovery of India expo which is done in this museum is a must watch for children. This Cylindrical shaped building, includes a planetarium, art gallery, restaurant, library, cultural center and a 14-gallery exhibit called Discovery of India. There are antique exhibits like a railway engine, tramcar, supersonic airplane and steam lorry. It is also a venue of numerous international trade fairs and local exhibitions. The discovery of India expo is open daily except Monday from 10.30am to 5pm. And the icing on the cake is that even the entry is free for the public. 


Dr. Annie Besant Road
Mumbai - 400018
Phone: 2496-4676

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