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Nehru Center Art Gallery

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Nehru Center Art Gallery

The Nehru Centre Art Gallery is dedicated to the promotion of young talent and provides a platform for them to exhibit their work along with that of eminent artists. The Gallery has featured a wide range of well-known painters and sculptors to students of art colleges. There have been several noteworthy exhibitions of paintings, sculptures, graphics, calligraphy, ceramics, textile-paintings and photography. At present the space available is in two parts. One is air-conditioned and approximately 2300 sq. ft. giving 150 running feet, expandable by using dividing panels. The Circular Gallery with 125 running feet for displaying paintings. Both are situated on the ground floor of the Discovery of India Building of Nehru Centre. Apart from exhibitions, several art-related activities are organized. 


Dr. Annie Besant Road Worli
Mumbai - 400 018
Tel: +(91)-(22) / 2496-3426

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