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P T Reddy Museum Of Art

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P T Reddy Museum Of Art

Formed in 1972, the P T Reddy Museum Of Art houses close to some 3,000 sculptures, paintings and graphics by the late P T Reddy. Among the sculptures are some very interesting ones - for example, the Vishnu Chakra, which is a wood carving with a sawdust/sand covering giving it the feeling and appearance of a stone sculpture. Another series of paintings that fascinate are the drawings of Ganesha, totaling an astounding 156. There are series of paintings depicting the landing of man on the moon. Then there are the various paintings of landscapes, portraits and still life. And a complete series depicting a mother and child, and the special bond that they share. This is a worth visiting place for true art and history lovers and is opened from Monday to Saturday between 10am to 6pm.


Ph - 91 040 24556263

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