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Chitramayee State Gallery Of Fine Arts

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Chitramayee State Gallery Of Fine Arts


Chitramayee houses about 10 art galleries, an auditorium, and a cafeteria in its premises. There are a lot of activities like workshops, seminars, painting classes apart from regular exhibition that are organized in the premises. It is one of the biggest and leading art galleries of Hyderabad and much better than some reputed art galleries in India. The gallery along with great collection of artwork also has a great artistic ambience. Except on Sundays and on public holidays, it is opened on all days between 10am to 6pm.


Road Number 1, Kavuri Hills,
Near Infotech,
Hyderabad 500019
Phone- 040 23113308,32914057, 3291-3922, 3291-3947

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