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Jagdish And Kamla Mittal Museum Of Indian Art

(5 out of 5 based on 1 Ratings)
 Jagdish And Kamla Mittal Museum Of Indian Art

The artist couple Jagdish and Kamala Mittal have showcased their artwork, sculptures and collections since last 40 years. The collection of the gallery now (as we write this in 2004) numbers around 1,580 objects, all dated upto 1900AD.The museum specialises in the traditional arts and crafts of India. The collection ranges from manuscripts to metalware, and from arms and armor to jade. They have some 250 drawings that give a deeper insight into the Mughal, Deccani, Rajasthani and Pahari schools of art. A worth visiting place to visit if you are a true lover of art and history. The musuem is closed on public holidays and sundays and on rest of the days it is opened between 10am to 6pm. 


1-2-214/6 ,Gagan Mahal Road, 

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