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Sri Ranga Kalakshetra

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Sri Ranga Kalakshetra


Sri Ranga Kalashetra was established about 16 years ago with a view to promote Indian Contemporary Art and also to widen the horizon and bring to light the fading traditional and folk art of India. Since its inception, Sri Ranga Kalakshetra has come a long way, not just moving with the times but trying to keep ahead of them as well, It has established itself as a locus, a platform for cultural activity, where there is an opportunity to display the best in creative talent or witness the excellence on display. This Art Gallery has held about 300 exhibitions till date of various prominent artists of both Indian and foreign origin i.e Lee Waisler, Michael Carter, Fabio Capola and many more in prestigious institutions like NGMA. Except on Sundays and on public holidays, it is opened on all days between 10am to 6pm.  


No.6, 13th Cross, 
HAL 2ND Stage, 
Bangalore - 560038
Call: +(91)-(80)-25202359

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