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Orthopaedic Hospitals in Jaipur

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Given Below is List of Best Orthopaedic Hospitals in Jaipur with their Address, Contact Details and Facilities
Katta Hospital and Orthopaedic Centre
City : Jaipur
Category : Orthopaedic
Address :


48, Shopping Centre, 
Jaipur - 302012
0141-2336097, 2234358
Katta Hospital and Orthopaedic Centre is located at Ambabari at 48, Shopping centre in Jaipur. It is one of the finest orthopaedic centres in Jaipur. It has a team of highly qualified an ...
Dayal Orthopaedic and General Hospital
City : Jaipur
Category : Orthopaedic
Address :


Khaniya Agra Road, 
Jaipur - 302003
Dayal Hospital and Orthopaedic Centre is located at Khaniya Agra road in Jaipur. It is one of the finest orthopaedic centres in Jaipur. It has a team of highly qualified and skilled orth ...
Khandaka Orthopaedic Hospital
City : Jaipur
Category : Orthopaedic
Address :


160-161, Kailash Puri, 
Jaipur - 302018
Khandaka Orthopaedic Hospital is located at Kailash puri in the pink city of Jaipur. This hospital has over the years made a name for itself for its quality treatments and affordablity. Vario ...
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