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Dhami Eye Care Hospital

(5 out of 5 based on 1 Ratings)
Dhami Eye Care Hospital

Dhami Eye Care Hospital was started in the year 1992 and provides a multi-specialty Comprehensive eye care. The hospital is committed to combat all causes of corneal blindness. The hospital is well equipped with latest technology and equipment with a well educated supportive staff which provides services as per ISO 9001:2000 international standards. The hospital caters to about 150 out patient cases per day and performs about 4000 surgeries including Phacoemulsification for Cataract, Lasik/Lasek for removal of glasses, Vitreo Retinal surgery, Squint surgery & Glaucoma surgery. The doctors working at the Hopital have put in many years for training and service at the most prestigious ophthalmic centres in the country and abroad. The Hospital has all the essential supporting services to ensure efficient functioning which maintains its high quality of patient care in terms of cleanliness, reliability, nursing care and speedy service.

Category : Eye
City : Ludhiana

82-B, Kitchlu Nagar,
Ludhiana - 141001,
Punjab, India.

Contact No. 0161-2303360, 0161-2303363

Contact Person : Dr. G S Dhami

Mobile No. +919815530812, +919814270399

Fax No. 0161-2303364

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