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Health Cure Nursing Home

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Health Cure Nursing Home

Health Cure Nursing Home is one of the best hospital providing outstanding facilties in nursing home. It is situated in Lake Town, Kolkata. They provide personal care for people who are physically or mentally frail or people who need regular attention from a nurse. Safety are maintained at this nursing home by the housekeeping and maintenance department. They have a qualified nurse on duty twenty-four hours a day to carry out nursing tasks.

Category : Nursing home
City : Kolkata

677, A-Block, Lake Town
Lake Town
Kolkata 700089
West Bengal

Landmark: Near Manasa Mandir

Contact No: 033 25345181

Mobile: 9331017848


Health Cure Nursing Home Facilities

Pathology Laboratory
Pathology Laboratory
X Ray
X Ray
Waiting Room
Waiting Room

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