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Florid Nursing Home

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Florid Nursing Home

Florid Nursing Home is one of the best known hospital providing services in nursing situated in Kolkata. It is established for people who are physically or mentally weak or people who need regular attention from a nurse. It provides personal care (help with washing, dressing and giving medication), and will also have a qualified nurse on duty twenty-four hours a day to carry out nursing tasks.

Category : Nursing home
City : Kolkata

P1,Housing Scheme 12,
Scheme No 7 M,
Manicktalla Main Road,
Kolkata - 700054

Landmark: Near Kankurgachi Railway Bridge

Contact No: 033 23557358


Florid Nursing Home Facilities

Pathology Laboratory
Pathology Laboratory
X Ray
X Ray
Waiting Room
Waiting Room

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