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Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences

(2 out of 5 based on 2 Ratings)
Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences

Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences is a premier institute and autonomous university in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. It is spread over  an area of about 22.77 acres and has recently constructed giant structure, i.e., Accident - Emergency Block and Specialty Block. It is recognized by University Grants Commission and Medical Council of India. It has created as a centre of excellence for providing medical care, educational and research facilities of high order in the field of medical science in the existing superspecialties and such other superspecialties that would develop in future, including continuing Medical Education and Hospital Administration. There is a separate block in the Institute for emergencies and it is one of its kind in India. There are about 40 wards, which are classified as General Wards, Intensive Care units, Post Operative Wards and Special Rooms. Overall, the clinical specialties at the hospital have been consistently ranked among the nation's best. The hospital services are provided on an inpatient, daycase and outpatient basis, depending on the type of care that a patient needs:

* inpatients are admitted to hospital and stay overnight in hospital,
* daycase patients are admitted to hospital and discharged later the same day,
* outpatients attend clinics where they receive specialist services without being admitted to hospital.

Specialities : General Medicine, Orthopaedics, Cardiology, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Neurology, Anaesthetics, Radiology, Oncology

Category : Multi Speciality
City : Hyderabad

Punjagutta, Hyderabad - 500082,
Andhra Pradesh, India.

Contact No. 040-23489244, 040-23489245,
                      040-23396552, 040-23315588

Fax No. 040-23310076

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Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences Facilities

Pathology Laboratory
Pathology Laboratory
X Ray
X Ray
Waiting Room
Waiting Room

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i need immdt response. i want to know that is nims is providing ovaries and utreus surgery? with all facilities. compared to apollo. if yes by tmrw call me.
Posted By : sara on 09-04-2013
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