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Lotus Children Hospital Kukatpally

(3 out of 5 based on 6 Ratings)
Lotus Children Hospital Kukatpally

Lotus Children Hospital is a well established hospital which serves as a child specialist hospital and it is located at Kukatpally in Hyderabad. It has a glorious success for more than 10 years of excellence in child health care. The entire premises are built in accordance with the National Building Code and satisfy all regulatory authorities including Fire Safety. The Hospital has the high qualified and expertised doctors and surgeons. They have dedicated themselves to provide the highest quality of care to the children whom they serve. It consist a team of Consultant Paediatricians are highly qualified with postgraduate training in excellent and renowned teaching medical colleges and hospitals across India. It also combines assistance to patients with teaching to medical students and nurses and often linked to medical schools, nursing schools and universities.

Category : Children
City : Hyderabad

HIG No. 15, JNTU, Hitech City Road,
KPHB, Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500072,
Andhra Pradesh, India.

Contact No. 040-40406666, 040-40406699

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Lotus Children Hospital Kukatpally Facilities

Waiting Room
Waiting Room

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