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Hospitals in Coimbatore

(4 out of 5 based on 5 Ratings)

Given below is the list of best Hospitals in Coimbatore. Hospitals in Coimbatore are traversing the part of providing world-class facilities in terms of medical institutions. Similar to the model of Chennai Coimbatore has also improved the facilities and the services for medical and healthcare treatment. From Primary Health centers to multifarious vanguard institutions hospitals have stepped up the ante and provided the best services. The keystone bench marks in terms of hospitals in Coimbatore is the State of the art Facilities for prognosis and treatment of cancer related illnesses and also the state of the art treatment for ENT and dental branches of treatment. Below we have compiled a complete list of Hospitals in Coimbatore. Each hospital mentioned in this list is complete with address, contact details, faculty and various services and amenities offered.

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Raju Hospital Private Limited
City : Coimbatore
Category : Multi Speciality
Address :


Address :- 40 South Usman Road, 
Chennai - 600017
Telephone No. :- 24341901
Raju Hospital Private Limited is located at South Usman Raod in Chennai and has over the years served as one of the finest hospitals providing quality treatments as ffordable prices. The Hospital has high qu ...
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