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Crescent Hospital

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Crescent Hospital

Crescent Hospital is a multi speiciality hospital in the city of Chennai. It is strategically located with spacious environs and high visibility. It has borne fruit to patient care because of tremendous development in infra-structure with well-furnished suite rooms, Deluxe rooms, semi-private rooms and A/c & Non A/c & general wards.

Specialization: Pediatrics, General Medicine, Surgical.

Category : Multi Speciality
City : Chennai

46, Doctor Besant Road,
Royapettah, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu, India.

Landmark: Ice House Police Station

Contact no: 044- 28474571, 044- 28471170
                     044- 28474848, 044- 28474570


Crescent Hospital Facilities

X Ray
X Ray
Waiting Room
Waiting Room

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