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Globe Eye Foundation

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Globe Eye Foundation

Globe Eye Foundation was established in the year 1995 by Dr. Sundar Ram Shetty. It is a registered charitable and nonprofit organization. It has been delivering eye care services through its Eye Hospital at Hoskote since 1996. More than 80% of the service is going free to the needy poor in Karnataka. Presently it is equipped with all the latest equipment to provide not only the basic eye care but also specialty eye care services. The Hospital has the high qualified and expertised doctors and surgeons. The foundation intends to take this service to other districts of Karnataka where there is further need for eye care. It also combines assistance to patients with teaching to medical students and nurses and often linked to medical schools, nursing schools and universities.

Category : Eye
City : Bangalore

229, 7th Cross, 1st Stage, Indiranagar,
Bangalore - 560038, Karnataka, India.

Contact No. 080-25255174

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Globe Eye Foundation Facilities

Pathology Laboratory
Pathology Laboratory
X Ray
X Ray
Waiting Room
Waiting Room

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