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Apollo BGS Hospitals

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Apollo BGS Hospitals

Apollo BGS Hospitals was started in the year 2001 with only 10 beds but now it has increased to 200 beds and their occupancy levels are 100%. They are committed to serving the people from around the world with the best possible people in the particular field and with extremely good care. They also have well equipped laboratory with an experienced Pathologist and a good Radiology unit as well. All the departments have highly experienced doctors and very good medical and non-medical staff. They treat about 65,000 patients a year on average, including a small number of international patients. The hospital provide access to the best medical professionals across the world by making use of the modern IT technology through Telemedicine. Overall, the clinical specialties at the hospital have been consistently ranked among the nation's best.

Specialities : General medicine, Gynaecology & Paediatrics, Cardiology, Cardiothoracic surgery, Urology, Nephrology & Kidney transplant unit, Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Orthopedics, ENT, Neurology and Endocrinology & diabetics.

Category : Multi Speciality
City : Bangalore

Adichunchanagiri Road,
Kuvempunagar, Mysore - 570023,
Karnataka, India.

Contact No. 821-2566666, 821-256 8888

Fax No. 821-2460870

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