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Anugraha Nursing Home

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Anugraha Nursing Home

Anugraha Nursing Home is located at Bangalore which provides patient treatment by specialized staff and equipment. They have a full range of primary and specialty care medical services enables cross-specialty consultation, which assures outstanding treatment for each patient. It has all the basic features and commonly used instruments like Sphygmanometer, Stethascopes, Opthalmoscopes, Otoscopes, Patella hammer, AED machines, Patient monitors, EKG machines, IV bags, Medical needles, X-rays, Thermometer, Syringe, Facial masks, Gloves, Pulse oximetry, Electrocardiogram, Reflex hammer etc.

Specialities : Orthopedics

Category : Orthopedic
City : Bangalore

No.2, 2nd Main Road, Vinayaka Circle,
Palace Guttahalli, Bangalore - 560003,
Karnataka, India.

Contact No. 080-23562042

Contact Person : Dr. Radha Krishnan

Mobile No. +918197104856

Email :


Anugraha Nursing Home Facilities

Blood Bank
Blood Bank
Pathology Laboratory
Pathology Laboratory
X Ray
X Ray

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