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Titagarh Wagons Limited

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Titagarh Wagons Limited


Titagarh Wagons Limited is one of the leading private sector wagon manufacturers in India and was incorporated in 1997. The company is primarily engaged in the business of manufacturing Railway Wagons & EMUs (Coaches), Bailey Bridges, Heavy Earth Moving and Mining Equipment, Steel and SG iron castings of moderate to complex configuration etc. The Company operates in four segments: wagons and coaches, heavy earth moving machineries (HEMM), steel foundry, and others. Wagons and coaches segment consists of manufacturing of wagons and coaches. HEMM segment consists of manufacturing of heavy earth moving equipments. Steel foundry segment consists of foundries, including bogies and couplers. 
             The company is listed on BSE and NSE.

Below you will find details about Titagarh Wagons Limited Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.

Indutry Type

Auto Ancillaries

Year of Incorporation


Registered Address

Premlata, 4th Floor
No 39, Shakespeare Sarani,
West Bengal
Tel: 033-22834467
Fax: 033-22891655


Corporate Contact Details


Company Registrar

Karvy Computershare Private Ltd. Karvy House
21, Avenue 4
Street No. 1
Banjara Hills
Tel: 040-23320251, 23320751, 23320752
Fax: 040-23311968


Company Management

Name : Designation
J P Chowdhary : Executive Chairman
Aloke Mookherjea : Independent Director
Charles Magolske : Independent Director
Name : Designation
D N Davar : Independent Director
Manoj Mohanka : Independent Director
Sanjay Kukreja : Nominee Director




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