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Saya Housing Finance

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Saya Housing Finance

Saya Housing Finance was incorporated on 02nd December, 1985. The Company has been engaged in the activity of providing much needed finance in the priority sector of Housing. The Company has disbursed loans amounting to account holders for their dwelling units since commencing its operations. The Company has utilized the Equity Capital, the refinance facilities from the National Housing Bank, the cash accruals and the repayments of loans for the loans disbursed till date.
       The company is listed on BSE.

Below you will find details about Saya Housing Finance Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.

Indutry Type


Year of Incorporation


Registered Address

Shop No.12, Harivilla Co.Op.Housing Soc.
Behind Krushnanagar,,Near Parshwanath Township,
Tel: 079-22809275
Fax: 079-26561275


Corporate Contact Details

S/23, 2nd Floor Shubh Complex, Nr. Rajashtan Hospital, Camp Road Shahibaug
Ahmedabad - 380004
Gujarat - India


Company Registrar

Pinnacle Share Registry Pvt. Ltd. Arvind Ashoka Aruna Hospital Premises
Near Ashoka Mills
Naroda Road
Tel: 079-22200582, 22204226 - 22200338
Fax: 079-22202963


Company Management

Name : Designation
Nirmalsinh D Rana : Chairman and Managing director
Kantibhai Patel : Director
Pradipsinh Jhala : Director
Name : Designation
R D Zala : Director
Jaydeepsinh Vaghela : Director




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