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Real Strips Limited

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Real Strips Limited


Real Strips is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company and was incorporated in the year 1994. The company is a manufacturer and exporter of stainless steel strips, stainless steel coils and cold rolled stainless strips (SS) coils. The Company's products include stainless steel strip and stainless steel coil mix, stainless steel strips mechanical properties, stainless steel strips chemical composition, stainless steel strips tolerance, stainless steel strips and coils applications, and stainless steel strips-coils packaging. The products manufactured by the company are used in automobiles, food and dairy industries, sugar industries, watch industries, pipes and tubes industries, utensils, furniture, architectural utilities, thermowares, chemical process industries, electronic industries and surgical industries. Real Strips Limited reported sales of INR 3.25 billion (US$60.62 million) for the fiscal year ending March of 2012.
          Real Strips Limited is listed on BSE.

Below you will find details about Real Strips Limited Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.

Indutry Type


Year of Incorporation


Registered Address

401-402, "FLORENCE"
Opp. Ashram Road Post Office, Ashram Road
Ahmedabad - 380009
Tel: 079-2650455 079-26588788
Fax: 079-26581073 079-40068261


Corporate Contact Details


Company Registrar

M C S Ltd. No. 101, SubhShatdal Complex
1st Floor
Opp. Bata Show Room
Ashram Road
Tel: 079-26581296 , 26582878
Fax: 079-26584027


Company Management

Name : Designation
A K Kataria : Chairman / Chair Person
Ugamraj M Hundia : Joint Managing Director
Ashwin A Kataria : Whole Time Director
Pawankumar R Murarka : Director
Pukhrajji S Jain : Independent Director
Name : Designation
A D Sanghvi : Managing Director
P S Jain : Joint Managing Director
Chandresh V Shah : Director
Amol Dalal : Director




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