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Pudumjee Pulp And Paper Mills Limited

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Pudumjee Pulp and Paper Mills Limited


Pudumjee Pulp and Paper Mills Limited were incorporated in 1964 and is into manufacture of all varieties of paper, paper boards, paper products and cellulose pulp. The company is also the pioneer in manufacture of chemical pulp using straw and bagasse, to make specialty paper. It has evolved a technology for cleaner manufacture of pulp from bagasse which is the main raw material. It also manufactures and supplies in writing and printing segment. It carries out the real estate business in partnership, which involves construction and sale of over 650 mid size luxurious flats aggregating about 9,30,000 square feet at Theragon. 
      Pudumjee Pulp and Paper Mills Limited is listed on BSE and NSE.

Below you will find details about Pudumjee Pulp and Paper Mills Limited Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.

Indutry Type

Paper and Paper Products

Year of Incorporation


Registered Address

Pune - 411033
Tel: 020-30613333 020-27275381
Fax: 020-30613388 020-27273294


Corporate Contact Details

Jatia Chambers, 60, Dr. V.B. Gandhi Marg, Fort
Mumbai - 400023
Maharashtra - India
Phone : 22674485
Fax : 22658316


Company Registrar

Karvy Computershare Private Ltd. Plot No. 17-24,
Vittal Rao Nagar,
Tel: 040-44655000
Fax: 040-44655814, 23420814


Company Management

Name : Designation
M P Jatia : Chairman and Managing director
O P Gupta : Director
A K Jatia : Director
S K Bansal : Director
Name : Designation
V O Somani : Director
R N Sethna : Director
V P Leekha : Director
B C Dalal : Director




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