Pasupati Acrylon Limited was incorporated in 1990 and became a market leader within less than five years after its establishment. The Company is principally engaged in the production of acrylic fiber. Its product is used for carpets, blankets, Toys, towels, bathrobes, bathmats, table linen, furnishings, shirting and sarees. The Company’s products include STAPLE Non Shrinkable Type-R, STAPLE High Shrinkable Type-H.S., TOW Non Shrinkable Type-R and TOPS RTU Non Shrinkable Type N.S. The acrylic fibres find application in woolen knitwear, hand-knitting yarn, woolen and worsted fabrics, blankets, carpets, sportswear, etc.
Pasupati Acrylon Limited is public limited with shares listed on BSE and NSE.
Below you will find details about Pasupati Acrylon Limited Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.
Intime Spectrum Registry Ltd. Sri Venkatesh Bhawan,
No. W-40,
Okhala Industrial Area Phase -II,
Tel: 51406149, 51406151, 51406152, 51709885, 51609386
Fax: 51709881