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Parenteral Drugs India Limited

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Parenteral Drugs India Limited


Parenteral Drugs India Limited was incorporated in 1983. The company develops, manufactures, and markets a range of pharmaceutical products in India. Their products include solid and liquid orals, such as antibiotics and anti-bacterial, anti-ulcerant, analgesics/anti-inflammatory, multivitamins and minerals, anxiolyic , antiprotozoal, anticold, anthelmintic, anti-histaminic, muscle relaxant, cardiac, antidiabetic, cough syrup, appetite enhancer and injections. The company produces various therapeutic segments of In-Vitro (I V) Fluids, such as electrolytes, antibacterial, energy replenisher, irrigation solution, osmotic diuretic, dialysis solution. They also produce 400-milligram Ciprofloxacin infusion in 200 milliliter with 5% dextose. Apart from the single dose dispensers, the company has also launched multi-dose eye/ ear drops in plastic containers. The dispensers are made using the form-fill-seal technology. 
      Parenteral Drugs India Limited is public limited and is listed on BSE and NSE. 

Below you will find details about Parenteral Drugs India Limited Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.

Indutry Type


Year of Incorporation


Registered Address

340, Laxmi Plaza,
Laxmi Industrial Estate, New Link Road,
Mumbai - 400053
Tel: 022-56943547/26304940/26304941
Fax: 022-26333763


Corporate Contact Details

Shree Ganesh Chambers Navlakha Crossing
Indore - 452001
Madhya Pradesh


Company Registrar

Link Intime India Pvt. Ltd. C-13, Pannalal Silk Mill Compound,
LBS Marg,
Bhandup (West)
Tel: 022-25960320
Fax: 022-25960329


Company Management

Name : Designation
Manoharlal Gupta : Chairman and Managing director
Govind Das Garg : Whole Time Director
Satish Chandra Consul : Independent Director
Dilip Kumar Panchaity : Independent Director
Name : Designation
Vinod Kumar Gupta : Managing Director
Anil Mittal : Wholetime Director & CEO
Dharam Pal Khanna : Independent Director
Dilip Kumar Sinha : Independent Director




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