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Nk Industries Limited

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NK Industries Limited


NK Industries Limited was incorporated as NK Oil Mills Pvt Limited in 1987. It is involved in the manufacturing of castor oil and its derivatives like HCO and 12HSA. The product range of the company includes castor oil, castor cake, deoiled cake, ground nut filter oil, ground nut cake and ground nut deoiled cake. Castor oil is used in automobiles, paints, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. It is also used as a source of natural chemicals in many countries. The company is a government-recognized Export House of castor oil. The company exports to Europe, Brazil, US, etc.  
      NK Industries Limited is listed on BSE and NSE. The company is amongst the most traded companies of these portals.

Below you will find details about NK Industries Limited Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.

Indutry Type

Other Industrial Goods

Year of Incorporation


Registered Address

7th Floor,
Popular House, Ashram Road
Ahmedabad - 380009
Tel: 079-26589321 - 26
Fax: 079-6585223 6584591


Corporate Contact Details


Company Registrar

Pinnacle Share Registry Pvt. Ltd. Arvind Ashoka Aruna Hospital Premises
Near Ashoka Mills
Naroda Road
Tel: 079-22200582, 22204226 - 22200338
Fax: 079-22202963


Company Management

Name : Designation
Nimish K Patel : Chairman and Managing director
Maitray D Patel : Director
Jayesh D Thakkar : Director
Name : Designation
Ashvin P Patel : Whole Time Director
Bharat J Patel : Director




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