Maharashtra Seamless
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Maharashtra Seamless Limited was incorporated in 1988. The company is engaged in manufacturing seamless steel pipes and tubes. The Company’s product range caters to application areas like oil and gas sector, hydrocarbon industry, boilers and heat exchangers, automotive, bearing and general engineering industries. The Company also manufactures coated pipes and electric resistance welded (ERW) pipes along with the seamless pipes.
Maharashtra Seamless is publically traded on BSE and NSE. The company is amongst the most traded companies of the stock market.
Below you will find details about Maharashtra Seamless Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.
Indutry Type
Construction and Engineering
Year of Incorporation
Registered Address
Pipe Nagar
Village-Sukeli, N.H. 17,B.K.G. Road,
Raigad District - 402126
Tel: 02194-238511 02194-238512
Fax: 02194-238513
Corporate Contact Details
Plot No. 30
Gurgaon - 122002
Haryana - India
Phone : 2574325, 2574326, 2574620, 2574621
Fax : 2574327
Company Registrar
Alankit Assignment Ltd. No.2E/21, Alankit House
Jhandewalan Extn.
Tel: 011-51540060, 51540063
Fax: 011-51540064
Company Management
Name : Designation
D P Jindal : Chairman / Chair Person
U C Agarwal : Director
Sanjeev Ajaykumar Rungta : Director
Name : Designation
Saket Jindal : Managing Director
D K Parikh : Director
S P Raj : Whole Time Director