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Jj Exporters Ltd

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JJ Exporters Ltd


JJ Exporters Limited was established in 1972. The company manufactures and exports silk fabrics, garments and made-ups. The Company's other products include cotton, woolen fabrics and miscellaneous handicraft items. The Company's collections include both apparels and home furnishings. It is one of the few silk companies in the organized sector with integrated in-house manufacturing facilities for weaving, embroideries and made ups. It has manufacturing units in Dodaballapur and Kolkata. The company is having subsidiaries in Shanghai, New Work, Moscow and Verviers. J.J Exporters Ltd reported sales of INR 648.30 million (US$11.79 million) for the fiscal year ending March of 2012. 
     Shares of this public limited are listed on BSE and NSE. 

Below you will find details about JJ Exporters Ltd Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.

Indutry Type


Year of Incorporation


Registered Address

Ashutosh Chowdhury Avenue,
Kolkata - 700019
West Bengal
Tel: 033-24614775
Fax: 033-24614780


Corporate Contact Details


Company Registrar

M C S Limited 77/2A
Hazra Road
3rd & 5th Floor
Tel: 033-24767350, 24767354, 24541892, 24541893
Fax: 033-24541961


Company Management

Name : Designation
Rajiv Jhunjhunwala : Vice Chairman
P K Sarkar : Director
Arun Kumar Shraff : Director
Laxmi Jhunjhunwala : Director
Name : Designation
S N Jhunjhunwala : Executive Chairman
Pradeep Kumar Singhi : Director
M L Gulrajani : Director
P J Sheth : Director




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