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Indo Count Industries

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Indo Count Industries


Indo Count Industries was established in the year 1988. The Company is engaged in the manufacture and export of cotton yarn, grey knitted fabrics and cotton made ups. The Company is operates in two business segments - Textile and consumer durable and electronic goods. The products manufactured by the Company are cotton yarn; cotton knitted fabric, television receiver and cotton woven and processed fabrics. It is also manufacturing and exporting Corespun yarns under its brand Ricore. The company has been accredited with the ISO 9002 certification. During the year ended March of 2012, sales at Indo Count Industries Limited were INR 7.46 billion (US$135.85 million). 
        Shares of Indo Count Industries are traded on BSE and NSE.

Below you will find details about Indo Count Industries Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.

Indutry Type


Year of Incorporation


Registered Address

Village Alte,
Taluka Hatkanangale, P.B. No 3
Kolhapur - 416109
Tel: 0230-2483105 / 2483106 / 2483276
Fax: 0230-2483275


Corporate Contact Details


Company Registrar

Intime Spectrum Registry Ltd. No.3, Community Centre,
Naraina Industrial Area
Phase I
Near PVR Cinema


Company Management

Name : Designation
Anil Kumar Jain : Chairman and Managing director
Kailash R Lalpuria : Executive Director
Kamal Mitra : Director
R G Kelkar : Director
R Anand : Director
Name : Designation
R N Gupta : Joint Managing Director
Dilip J Thakkar : Director
P N Shah : Director
Prem Malik : Director
Sushil Kumar Jiwarajka : Director




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