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Henkel India

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Henkel India


Henkel India was founded in the year 1876. The company operates in business areas of Laundry, Home Care, Cosmetics, Toiletries and Hair Care. It comprises of national and international brands such as Pril, Henko, Fa, Margo, Mr. White, Chek, Bref, Igora Royal, BC Bonacure, Strait Therapy, Glatt & Natural Styling and Osis. It is the first detergent plant in India to receive ISO 14000 certification. The product portfolio includes international brands like Henko, Pril and Fa besides strong domestic brands like Margo, Neem Tooth Paste, Mr.White, Aramusk, Tuhina, Chek, Superchek , Limeshot, Regal and Brisk range. It has a more than 50,000 employees with 77 percent working outside Germany making Henkel one of the most internationally aligned companies in Germany. 
      The company is listed on BSE. The company is one of the most traded companies. 

Below you will find details about Henkel India Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.

Indutry Type

Household Appliances

Year of Incorporation


Registered Address

TPL House,
1st Floor,,No. 3, Cenotaph Road,
Chennai - 600018
Tamil Nadu
Tel: 044-24330089
Fax: 044-24321641


Corporate Contact Details


Company Registrar

Cameo Corporate Services Ltd. "Subramanian Building",
Vth Floor, No.1,
Club House Road
Tel: 044-228460390 (5 Lines) , 28460464
Fax: 044-228460129


Company Management

Name : Designation
A C Muthiah : Chairman / Chair Person
Patrick Kaminski : Director
Thomas Jungmann : Director
Sukhendu Ray : Director
A Satish Kumar : Director
Debashis Chatterjee : Director
Name : Designation
Jayant K Singh : Managing Director
Ben Ho : Director
A Besant C Raj : Director
Rm.Muthukaruppan : Director
Uddesh Kohli : Director
V Selvaraj : Director




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