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Gujarat Gas Company Ltd

(1 out of 5 based on 1 Ratings)
Gujarat Gas Company Ltd


Gujarat Gas Company Limited was incorporated in the year 1980. The company is one of India's leading natural gas distribution companies. The company is engaged in the natural gas transmission and distribution business. The Company is in the business of distribution of natural gas through pipelines from sources of supply to centers of demand and to the end customers. It supplies gas to more than 340,000 domestic, commercial and industrial customers and servers over 168, 000 compressed natural gas (CNG) users. 
    The company is listed on BSE, NSE, Ahmedabad Stock Exchange and Vadodara Stock Exchange.

Below you will find details about Gujarat Gas Company Ltd Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.

Indutry Type

Oil Drilling and Exploration

Year of Incorporation


Registered Address

2, Shantisadan Society,
Nr. Parimal Garden, Ellisbridge
Ahmedabad - 380006
Tel: 079-26462980 079-26460095
Fax: 079-26466249


Corporate Contact Details

2, Shantisadan Society, Nr. Parimal Garden, Ellisbridge
Ahmedabad - 380006
Gujarat - India
Phone : 26462980, 26460095
Fax : 26466249


Company Registrar

M C S Limited No. 101, SubhShatdal Complex
1st Floor
Opp. Bata Show Room
Ashram Road
Tel: 079-26581296 , 26582878
Fax: 079-26584027


Company Management

Name : Designation
Hasmukh Shah : Chairman / Chair Person
Pradip Khandwalla : Director
Ajit Kapadia : Director
Alan Derek Fisher : Director
Name : Designation
Shaleen Sharma : Managing Director
Jal Patel : Director
Walter Simpson : Director




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