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Gvk Power And Infrastructure

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GVK Power and Infrastructure


The Company was incorporated in 2nd December of the year 1994. GVK Power & Infrastructure Limited (GVKPIL) is a listed public company belonging to GVK, engaged in the business of owning, operating, and maintaining power plants by itself and through its subsidiary and associate companies. GVK is amongst India's largest infrastructure developers with experience and expertise spanning areas including hospitality, manufacturing, power, roads, airports, SEZs and urban infrastructure. Until date GVK has invested over Rs. 5,000 crore in its various businesses and has on hand projects in the pipeline of over Rs. 12,000 crore. GVK is developing power projects that are based on coal, gas and hydel resources. The projects are being developed across several States in the country including Andhra Pradesh, Punjab and Uttarakhand. 
      The public limited company is listed on BSE and NSE.

Below you will find details about GVK Power and Infrastructure Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.

Indutry Type

Power Generation and Distribution

Year of Incorporation


Registered Address

''Paigah House',',Sardar Patel Road
Secunderabad - 500003
Andhra Pradesh
Tel: 040-27902663 040-27902664
Fax: 040-27902665


Corporate Contact Details

156-159 'Paigah House'
Secunderabad - 500003
Andhra Pradesh - India
Phone : 27902663 27902664
Fax : 27902665


Company Registrar

Karvy Computershare Private Ltd "Karvy House"
46, Avenue 4,
Street No. 1,
Banjara Hills
Tel: 040-23312454, 23320251/751/752
Fax: 040-23311968


Company Management

Name : Designation
G V Krishna Reddy : Chairman and Managing director
G Indira Krishna Reddy : Director
A Ramakrishna : Director
Abid Hussain : Director
Pradip Baijal : Director
S Balasubramanian : Director
Name : Designation
G V Sanjay Reddy : Vice Chairman
Krishna Ram Bhupal : Director
K N Shenoy : Director
P Abraham : Director
G Krishna Murthy : Director
A Issac George : Director & CFO




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