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Gail India Ltd

(5 out of 5 based on 3 Ratings)
GAIL India Ltd


GAIL (India) Limited is the largest state-owned natural gas processing and distribution company. It has six segments - Transmission services of natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), Natural gas trading, petrochemicals, LPG and Liquid hydrocarbons, GAILTEL and Others. It is India's principal gas transmission and marketing company. It was set up by the Government of India in August 1984 to create gas sector infrastructure. The company has set many records which includes, GAIL commissioned world’s longest and India's first Cross Country LPG Transmission Pipeline from Jamnagar to Loni, in 2001. The company has today built a network of trunk pipelines covering length of around 11,000 km. The company has also diversified from gas marketing and transmission into Polymer business by setting up North India's first gas based Petrochemicals complex at Pata, Uttar Pradesh. GailTel is into the telecommunications sector. 
       GAIL (India) Limited is listed on BSE and NSE and is widely considered by the investors because of its lucrative increase in prices.

Below you will find details about GAIL India Ltd Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.

Indutry Type

Oil Drilling and Exploration

Year of Incorporation


Registered Address

16, Bhikaiji Cama Place,
R K Puram,
New Delhi - 110066
Tel: 011-26172580 011-26182955
Fax: 011-26185941


Corporate Contact Details


Company Registrar

M C S Ltd. Sri Venkatesh Bhawan
No. W-40,
Okhala Industrial Area Phase -II
Tel: 41406149, 41406150, 41406151, 41406152
Fax: 41709881


Company Management

Name : Designation
B C Tripathi : Chairman and Managing director
S L Raina : Director (Human Resources)
S Venkatraman : Director
Sudhir Bhargava : Director
R M Sethi : Director
Arun Aggarwal : Director
Name : Designation
R D Goyal : Director (Projects)
Prabhat Singh : Director (Marketing)
P K Jain : Director (Finance)
Mahesh Shah : Director
Vinayshil Gautam : Director




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