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De Nora India

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De Nora India


De Nora India was established in 1989. The company has brought to India the latest technologies with the complete support of De Nora's technical expertise and management. The company is listed on BSE and NSE. 
Product range of the company includes:
* Chlor-Alkali which makes a full range of products and systems for chlorine and alkali, and sodium and potassium chlorate commodity chemical producers.
* Oxygen & Specialties designs, develops and manufactures electrodes, anode coatings and systems for several electrochemical applications

Below you will find details about De Nora India Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.

Indutry Type

Other Industrial Goods

Year of Incorporation


Registered Address

Plot Nos 184,185 & 189,
Kundaim Industrial Estate,
Kundaim - 403115
Tel: 832-3981100
Fax: 832-3981101


Corporate Contact Details


Company Registrar

Sharepro Services Ltd. Satam Estate, 3rd Floor,
Cardinal Gracious Road,
Above Bank Of Baroda,
Chakala, Andheri (E)
Tel: 022-28215168, 28329828, 28215991, 28347719, 6772 0
Fax: 022-28375646


Company Management

Name : Designation
Premal N Kapadia : Chairman / Chair Person
Luca Buonerba : Director
Angelo Ferrari : Director
Krishan Khanna : Alternate Director
Name : Designation
S C Jain : Managing Director
Giuseppe Cambareri : Director
M A Sundaram : Director
R V N P R Sardessai : Alternate Director




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