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Dcm Financial Services

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DCM Financial Services

DCM Financial Services (DFS), promoted by DCM group, was incorporated in the year 1991. The company is engaged in leasing and hire purchase, money market operations and real estate. It is a non-banking financial company and is governed by the non-banking financial companies (Reserve Bank) directions, 1977, issued by the Reserve Bank of India. In leasing, the company's main business is LCV financing and HCV financing. The company has also introduced new services like viz Stock Broking, Bill discounting, Inter Corporate Financing, Advisory services, Equity research, Bridge Financing etc.

Below you will find details about DCM Financial Services Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.

Indutry Type


Year of Incorporation


Registered Address

D 7/3 Okhla Industrial Area-ll,
Mezzanine Floor,
New Delhi - 110020
Tel: 011-26385991 011-26385992
Fax: 011-26385999


Corporate Contact Details


Company Registrar

M C S Ltd. F-65, Okhla Industrial Area
Tel: 011-41406149, 41406151,41406152
Fax: 011-41709881


Company Management

Name : Designation
Arif Baig : Chairman / Chair Person
O P Gupta : Director
Name : Designation
S K Sharma : Executive Director




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