Cistro Telelink Ltd
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Cistro Telelink Limited was incorporated in the year 1992. The company changed its name from “Kukson Footcare Limited” to “Cistro Telelink Limited” on 9th November, 2002. The company is into Telecom Services as well into trading business which includes Textile Business. The company has been in the business since decades and has achieved many remarkable feats. The company is listed on BSE.
Below you will find details about Cistro Telelink Ltd Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.
Indutry Type
Commodity Trading and Distribution
Year of Incorporation
Registered Address
206, Airen Heights,
AB Road,
Indore - 452010
Madhya Pradesh
Tel: 0731-2555022
Fax: 0731-2555722
Corporate Contact Details
Company Registrar
Ankit Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. 2nd Floor, Alankar Point,
4-A, Rajgarh Kothi, A.B. Road,
Geeta Bhavan Chouraha
Tel: 0731-2491298
Fax: 0731-4065798
Company Management