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Chemplast Sanmar Ltd

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Chemplast Sanmar Ltd

Chemplast Sanmar Limited is a chemical company based in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The company was incorporated in 1985. It is part of Sanmar Group which has businesses in Chemicals, Shipping, Engineering and Metals. It has a turnover of over Rs.45 billion and a presence in some 25 businesses, with manufacturing units spread over numerous locations in India. Chemplast Sanmar's manufacturing facilities are located at Mettur, Panruti, Cuddalore and Ponneri in Tamil Nadu, Shinoli in Maharashtra, and Karaikal in the Union Territory of Pondicherry. It is a major manufacturer of PVC resins, chlorochemicals and piping systems. Its aggregate capacity of 235,000 tons makes it one of the largest PVC players in India. The company is listed on BSE and NSE.

Below you will find details about Chemplast Sanmar Ltd Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.

Indutry Type

Plastic Products

Year of Incorporation


Registered Address

9, Cathedral Road,
Chennai (Madras) - 600086
Tamil Nadu
Tel: 044-28128500
Fax: 044-28112627


Corporate Contact Details


Company Registrar

Integrated Enterprises (India) Ltd. Kences Towers, 2nd Floor
No. 1, Ramakrishna Street
North Usman Road
T Nagar
Tel: 044-28140801, 28140802
Fax: 044-28142479, 28143378


Company Management

Name : Designation
P S Jayaraman : Chairman / Chair Person
S V Mony : Director
M N Radhakrishnan : Director
Name : Designation
S Gopal : Managing Director
V K Parthasarathy : Director
M S Sekhar : Director




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