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Brahma Infotech Pvt Ltd

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Brahma Infotech Pvt Ltd

BRAHMAPUTRA GROUP is one of the fastest growing groups in infrastructure development with the significant presence in sectors like Mining, Real Estate & Building Construction, ROBs, Bridge & Flyover, Airports, Tunnels, Expressways & Highways, and other Civil Construction. Over the last decade, the Group has built a strong reputation for reliability combined with economy and efficiency of works and has successfully implemented several important infrastructure projects in India.

Below you will find details about Brahma Infotech Pvt Ltd Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.

Indutry Type

Construction and Engineering

Year of Incorporation


Registered Address

A-7, Brahmaputra House,
Mahipalpur (NH-8 Crossing),
New Delhi - 110037
Tel: 011-42290200/42290201/42290202/4229
Fax: 011-41687880/26787068


Corporate Contact Details

A-7, Brahmaputra House, Mahipalpur (NH-8 Crossing)
New Delhi - 110037
Phone : 42290200/42290201/42290202/42290203 - 249
Fax : 41687880/26787068


Company Registrar

Intime Spectrum Registry Ltd. A-31, 3rd Floor, Near PVR,
Naraina Industrial Area,
Phase I,
Tel: 51410592, 51410593, 51410594
Fax: 51410591


Company Management

Name : Designation
Sanjeev Kumar Prithani : Managing Director
Satish Chander Gupta : Independent Director
Rajesh Sharma : Independent Director
Name : Designation
Gopal Bachani : Whole Time Director
Om Kumar : Independent Director




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